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Officer Training Schedule

Round One:

June through August Summer sessions are focused on helping you quickly immerse yourself in your new leadership role. There are typically many dates with the equivalent content at various locations across the District. Officers need only attend one summer training session.

Round Two:

November through February Winter sessions are focused on club leaders sharing their experiences and ideas to help others benefit from what you are learning about your role. Typically, each division schedules its own dates. Officers need only attend one winter session.


Date, Day & Time Location Training Contact
February 24
Online Officer Training

** Please Note **
You will need to enter the following information with your registration:
* Your Member ID #
* Club Name & Club #
* District #
* Your District’s Program Quality Director (PQD) Name and Email


Please log in using a desktop or laptop for the best training experience.

A. Online attendance is defined as including any member participating and interacting in a club meeting through the use of live audio and video conferencing platforms.
1. Participants are not typically in the same physical location as the rest of the club members attending the meeting onsite.
II. Participants must be able to communicate
concurrently with all other members in attendance at the meeting.
III. Online participants in club meetings must provide their own technology at their own expense if there is a fee for use.
IV. Voice-only teleconferencing, recorded video, or recorded audio are not acceptable forms of attendance.

Jennifer Orellana
Registration Status: Open until 10:00PM, Friday, Feb 23rd